Proposed changes to Montana elk hunting regulations could make tagging a bull more challenging for public land hunters and open up more opportunities for landowners. With large concentrations of elk on private land causing damage to ranches ...
Hunting & Fishing
Yellowstone Bison Herd to be Culled by 500 to 700 Animals, No New Hunt
American bison herds in the west are booming, and the Yellowstone bison herd is leading the stampede. Bison in the national park are outstripping their habitat’s resources so quickly that the herd must be culled by roughly 10% to 15% for the ...
Hunting Montana Grizzly Bears May Soon Be Allowed After 30-Year Ban
Yellowstone and Montana grizzly bears have been protected from hunting under the Endangered Species Act for more than three decades. US Fish and Wildlife (FWS) scientists recently reported that bears in the region have recovered biologically, and ...
Police Officer Busted Spotlighting Deer From Patrol Vehicle
An off-duty Louisiana police officer and three buddies picked the wrong night for some after-hours illegal deer-slaying. Officials said today that the four men were busted with a spike, an 8-point deer, and three rifles — one with night vision ...
UK Becomes More of an Island by Banning Import of Hunting Trophies
In a move that proves tightly-wound Brits truly have nothing better to do than wind themselves tighter, the British government recently announced that it will issue a complete ban on the import of not just big-game hunting trophies, but all hunting ...
Hunting Accidents: Are the Holidays the Most Dangerous Season?
Amidst reports of shattered records and jaw-dropping trophies, people are seeing their newsfeeds filled with frequent and harrowing stories about serious and deadly hunting accidents this holiday season. From a search crew’s discovery of a ...
Utah Drops Proposed Elk Hunting Lottery, Will Issue OTC Tags in 2022
Considered one of the last over-the-counter (OTC) permit opportunities for hunters in Utah, elk hunting tags have become a hotter ticket than toilet paper during the first COVID lockdown. Even still, a recent proposal from the state Division of ...
Bowhunting Gear: How to Diagnose and Fix Your Setup in the Offseason
Fall is now a memory. For many reading this, it was an epic season of close encounters with a few blood-soaked arrows. For others, fall was, as it can often be, a season on the brink. Some of you want to delete the past few months from your memory ...
Rare Deer Shot In West Texas Is Headed for the Record Books
Cibolo Creek Ranch in West Texas was established in the mid-1800s by Milton Faver. Legend has it that Faver fled Missouri for Texas after gunning a man down in a duel. Only 45 miles north of the Mexican border and an hour south of Marfa, the ...
Antlered Doe: Missouri Hunter Shoots Huge, Rare 16-Pointer
Shooting a 16-point buck isn’t exactly an everyday occurrence, but it’s not exactly unusual either. It is decidedly rarer to encounter a whitetail doe sporting 16-point headgear. That’s precisely what Missouri hunter Samuel Perotti shot just before ...
Idaho To Hold CWD Deer Hunt, Joins 26 States Battling Disease
In late November, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game reported the discovery of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in two mule deer that were killed in October by hunters in the Slate Creek drainage near Lucile in Idaho County. Now, wildlife officials ...
Major Volunteer Effort Underway On The Upper Madison River
A malfunction at the Hebgen Dam on Montana’s Madison River crashed water levels this week and stranded thousands of fish. But thanks to a statewide volunteer effort, disaster may have been averted, though long-term effects on the fishery are still ...
Utah Elk Hunting: Intense Backcountry Rescue Saves Hunter’s Leg
Utah hunter Coy Kummer hoped to end his elk season hauling out a big bull. Instead, it ended with a broken leg, a wild rescue, and several major surgeries. On Oct. 10, 22-year-old Coy and his father, Brian Kummer, were hunting the northern ...
Son’s Quick Thinking, CPR Training Saves Father’s Life on Michigan Hunt
If you were hunting with a buddy or family member and they had a bad fall or lost consciousness and stopped breathing, would you know how to render first aid? Do you have CPR training, and if so, could you stay calm and stabilize a hunting partner in ...
Here Kitty Kitty: The Delicious Ins and Outs of Mountain Lion Hunting
“Do you want a pulled pork sandwich?” I was sitting in a kitchen waiting for a girl to get ready to go to dinner with me and had mentioned that I was starving, so her roommate asked me the question. I looked at the guy with the questioning look I’d ...
A Thanksgiving Duck Hunt Miracle
The Thanksgiving hunt, a red-letter event for so many hunters who look forward to the field before a day of food and family bonding, is a touchy subject at my house. I don’t hunt on Thanksgiving, nor on the day or two before. My wife, raised in ...
7 Backcountry Hacks That Will Help You Survive Deep Off the Grid
I’ve been fortunate in my career to be surrounded by an eclectic group of professionals, from Green Berets and Army Rangers to some of the best backcountry hunters alive today. All these friends and peers have taught me a thing or two about living ...
Pennsylvania State Record Walleye was Almost a Filet-O-Fish
The new Pennsylvania state record for walleye almost went to hell in a bucket, literally. Richard "The Breeze" Nelson came home from a day of fishing with the giant fish in a 5-gallon bucket and was just getting ready to cut some big, fat fillets ...
Buck Turns to Prayer, Busts Into Church on Michigan Deer Season Opener
Millions of parishioners gather in fellowship on Sunday mornings, turning to prayer for their salvation. Fortunately, the Grace Sturgis non-denominational church was mostly empty the morning of the Michigan deer season opener. It seems that one ...
Grand Canyon Bison Hunt Update: Epic Fail, 5 Animals Killed
Update: On Sept. 20, 2021, a highly managed bison hunt began on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, the first-ever allowed in the national park. Twelve hunters from around the country were selected to participate in the hunt by the Arizona Game and ...
Prime Alaska Caribou Hunting Units Could be Closed
A tabled proposal to close two public Alaska hunting units for caribou and moose hunting to anyone not considered a subsistence hunter is once again moving forward. The Federal Subsistence Board deferred action on the closure of the Federal public ...
Infrastructure Bill Includes Big Wins for Hunters and Anglers
President Joe Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (H.R. 3684) on Nov. 15, 2021, finally pushing the hotly contested bipartisan infrastructure bill over the finish line. But it’s not all about roads, bridges, and train lines. ...
COVID Deer Update: Wisconsin Tells Hunters to Mask Up
In true, mountain-out-of-a-mole-hill government fashion, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services recently released updated COVID-19 guidance, urging hunters to wear a mask when field dressing any whitetail they’ve killed. Wisconsin deer hunting ...
Virginia Elk Are Back! Whitetail Hunter Tags 700-Pound Home-State Bull
Richard Bryson always takes two weeks’ vacation during Virginia’s early muzzleloader season, which gives him so extra time to work on filling his deer tags every year. He never expected to use one of those tags to check a bull elk, but that’s exactly ...
Chronic Wasting Disease Outbreak: Wyoming Collects 1,000s of Samples
A year after approving a new chronic wasting disease (CWD) management plan, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) is on track to collect the most lymph node samples ever in a single year. Since identifying its first cases of CWD in ...
Where Are The Deer Hunters? Michigan Hunting Licenses Down by 250K
A quarter-million hunters is a lot for one state to lose, but that’s exactly the deer-hunting license deficit Michigan is currently facing, based on the latest statistics. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reported deer hunting ...
Makah Tribe Could Resume 2,700-Year-Old Whale Hunting Tradition
Whale hunting is a tradition sacred to the Makah Tribe, an indigenous people who live on the Pacific Northwest Coast. But due to dwindling whale populations and a lengthy legal battle, the Makah have only had one whale hunt in nearly a ...
DIY Alaska Caribou Hunt Checklist: How to Hunt the Dalton Highway
In May 2020, my friend Steve Opat of Alaskan Odysseys hit me with the news over the phone: “Change of plans. Alaska caribou hunt. We’re hunting the Haul Road.” We’d planned on going after moose that fall, but the ‘rona shut down access to the ...
Watch: Hunter-Gatherers and the Meaning of Life
Few experiences in this world are more authentic or pure as hunting for sustenance — heading to the field with the knowledge that if you’re not successful, you don’t eat. For the Hadza, a tribe of roughly 1,500 true hunter-gatherers living in a ...
Rogue Red Stag Looking for Love in Georgia
State wildlife officials identified a massive elk-like animal caught on remote game cameras in four Georgia counties as a European red deer, aka a red stag. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources began receiving game camera images of the ...