Wyoming-based Magpul impressed fans at the 2023 SHOT Show with the official unveiling of the Magpul DAKA Grid Organizer system for Pelican gun cases. It is being billed as a superior and endlessly reconfigurable replacement for pluck-and-pull foam ...
Uintah Precision Introduces Cool New AR-15 Muzzleloader
Uintah Precision has turned heads at the 2023 SHOT Show with its unique Modern Sporting Muzzleloader. The uncommon rifle is a Frankenstein-like mashup that combines an AR-15 lower receiver with a muzzleloader upper — and it totally works. At ...
Gemtech GVAC: The First ‘Suppressor Optimized’ AR Upper
Gemtech Suppressors has been teasing something for about a week ahead of the 2023 SHOT Show using the slogan “silence is golden.” Most people safely assumed the can-maker would introduce a new suppressor, and they were pretty much spot on, but there ...
338 Lapua: A Beastly Long-Range Rifle Cartridge
What do rounds like the .45-70, .30-06, .308, and 5.56 have in common? They’re all popular hunting loads that got their start as military ammunition. Getting a thumbs-up from the Pentagon takes time, and so does gaining traction in the open market. ...
357 Magnum: The OG Magnum Revolver Round Is Still Relevant
General George S. Patton famously — or perhaps infamously — fought World War II carrying an ivory-handled Smith & Wesson Model 27 chambered in the world’s first magnum pistol cartridge: the 357 Magnum. He was a big fan of the cartridge and ...
22 Hornet: More Than a Stepping-Stone Cartridge
There’s no shortage of high-velocity cartridges for small-bore rifles these days. Some loads have reached insane velocities of over 4,000 fps. But when you trace the history of these narrow, speedy rounds, one cartridge stands out not because it was ...
New Vortex Strike Eagle 3-18×44 Rifle Scope Is Incredibly Versatile
Vortex is expanding the value-focused Strike Eagle family of optics with the new Strike Eagle 3-18x44 FFP (first focal plane), a rifle scope that promises big-time versatility at an accessible price. Vortex built this optic for mid-to long-range ...
Tombstone 9mm Lever Gun Is Fully Tactical With a 20-Round Mag
It’s been a while since a gun company released a tactical lever-action rifle, but Patriot Ordnance Factory stepped up on Jan. 2 with what you could call an unconventional entry in the category: the new Tombstone 9mm, which doesn’t look anything like ...
New XS Lever Rail Models Fit Henry Carbines in .357, .44 Mag
XS Sights has figured out how to make Henry lever-action rifles even better by focusing on optics compatibility. Two new XS Sights Lever Rails add a Picatinny rail to the receiver of a Henry Big Boy carbine chambered for .357 Magnum or .44 Magnum ...
8.6 Blackout: A Subsonic Cartridge With Supersonic Capabilities
If you ask Kevin Brittingham why he created the 8.6 Blackout cartridge, he’ll describe a scenario in which the stars aligned. He’ll say that gun and ammo companies and the commercial market were all heading in that direction; they wanted to see a ...
444 Marlin: A Classic Lever Gun Cartridge Full of Attitude
The 444 Marlin is a brush-busting SOB capable of taking out most of the big-game species in North America. This powerhouse brings a lot to the lever-gun table, making powerful handgun calibers like the .44 Magnum look weak and pathetic in a ...
Springfield Saint Victor 9mm PCC Is Packed With Features
There’s a new addition to Springfield Armory’s arsenal, and this time it comes in the form of a Saint Victor 9mm carbine with an MSRP of $1,299. It’s the manufacturer’s first pistol-caliber carbine, but it carries over many of the components, ...
44 Magnum: The Most Powerful Handgun Cartridge, For a While
There’s a lot of debate about the best gear for backcountry adventures. We can argue the best fly fishing lures, hunting packs, and camouflage patterns until we’re blue in the face, but one piece of gear that’s traditionally garnered near-unanimous ...
6mm ARC: A Compact Long-Range Round You Should Know About
As the 2020s approached, the Hornady Ballistic Development Group, or BDG, was tasked with getting the most out of the AR-15 platform in terms of long-range viability. The cartridge the company produced to do this became the 6mm Advanced Rifle ...
FN 5.7x28mm: The Little Cartridge That Could
The FN 5.7, or 5.7x28mm, cartridge has seen a resurgence in popularity since its release in 1990 and subsequent limited applications. This little cartridge is known for its armor-penetrating abilities, flat trajectory, and high velocity out of a ...
The Small Arms U.S. Marines Used to Win WWI
From June 1917 to November 1918, U.S. Marines earned a reputation for being ferocious and unrelenting on the battlefield. Between the opening shots fired at the Battle of Belleau Wood and the routing of German forces in the Argonne Forest, Marines ...
Hunting Accident Roundup: Hunter Falls, Left Hanging by Boot
On Halloween night, a Texas bowhunter survived one of the most terrifying things that can happen to a hunter — he fell almost 20 feet from a treestand and wound up hanging upside down by his boot. It was a hunting accident that could easily have been ...
Proof Research Barrels Are on the New Savage Mountain Hunter
Thanks to shows like MeatEater, and the popularity of folks like Remi Warren, mountain and backcountry hunting has exploded in popularity. Droves of hunters are plunging deeper into the wilderness and climbing higher than ever before in search of big ...
Gear Test: The New Maven CRF 1 Rangefinder
The brand new Maven CRF 1 rangefinder drops today! It’s the newest addition to the company’s budget-friendly C Series optics and the first rangefinder to enter the line. I’ve been using the Maven CRF 1 as my go-to RF in the field and on the range for ...
Hunting Alaska with the New Silencer Central Banish Backcountry
Silencer Central just announced the release of its new Banish Backcountry Suppressor, a centerfire rifle suppressor designed specifically for hunters.I was fortunate enough to get my hands on one back in early October. I decided to take it to one ...
7mm PRC: Savage Expands Rifle Lines for New Cartridge
Hornady recently announced the newest cartridge in its Precision Rifle Cartridge series of long-range shooting superstars — the 7mm PRC. Directly on the heels of Hornady’s announcement, Savage Arms revealed its own plans to expand several of its most ...
Daniel Defense Suppressors Finally Introduced With 3 Rifle Models
Daniel Defense is well known for its quality AR-15 rifles. The company’s MK18 is still in service in some of the US Military’s elite special operations units and other clandestine government organizations. The Battle Creek, Georgia–based rifle ...
Roosevelt’s Legendary Double Rifle, the ‘Big Stick,’ Up Close
Theodore Roosevelt, Holland & Holland, and Africa: a hunter, a gun, and a location that should send a little shiver of excitement and yearning up the back of every hunter. It’s a trifecta that speaks of a bygone era that many hunters aspire to ...
Leaked Glock AR Carbine Photos Are Real — No, Really!
For once, the rumors about a new firearm from Glock — not only a new model but an entirely new platform that isn’t a handgun — appear to be true! Anyone who has fallen for a Photoshopped Glock 1911 or a Glock carbine or rifle and was more upset that ...
The History of the Recce Rifle and How To Build Your Own
This post contains affiliate links. We may earn a commission if you buy through these links. Military conflicts in the 21st century have shown us just how quickly civilians can become conscripted combatants. The most recent example is, of course, ...
Ruger Reintroduces Marlin Model 1895 Guide Gun
The Marlin Model 1895 Guide Gun is back! Ever since Ruger bought the Marlin brand in 2020, fans have been waiting for the return of the Guide Gun series. Ruger has since unveiled a tight catalog of Marlins over the past two years, including the 1895 ...
Meet the New SIG Sauer MCX Spear LT Firearm Family
SIG Sauer announced several new entries in its wildly popular MCX line of next-gen AR firearms this week with a new series of firearms that blends the best features from the original MCX and the MCX Virtus while adding a bunch of caliber options. ...
New Ruger LC Carbine Uses Same Mags as Popular 5.7mm Pistol
The idea of having a pistol and a carbine that run the same ammunition has been around since the days of matching-chambered wheel guns and lever guns in the Old West. Having to deal with one type of ammo is attractive in many situations. The ...
Rifles Allowed for Illinois Deer Hunting, With a Catch
After decades of limiting Illinois whitetail hunters to shotguns and muzzleloaders, the state is finally catching up with the rest of the country, save for a handful of other states. Well, sort of. Single-shot rifles will now be allowed for Illinois ...
Field Test: Armasight Contractor 320 Thermal Optic vs. Texas Hogs
When you hear the terms infrared scope or thermal optic, if you’re of a certain age, you probably think of Predator, which is the first time most people saw an approximation of what “heat vision” could look like: green, yellow, orange, red, and ...